
Official setup and customization wizard for the Ardis Icon Theme

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An overview of Ardis-Builder and the team behind it

The Team

The team behind Ardis and Ardis Builder are...

Ardis Icon Theme

A short paragraph about the Ardis icon theme.

Ardis Builder

What makes ArdisBuilder so unique is its extreme portability and platform independence. The goal is simple: If the platform uses the standard icon theme, ArdisBuilder should run on it. And that is exactly what we did. We chose to write it in Python because of its capacity to run on virtually any OS, its out-of-the-box portability, and its power. The GUI uses GTK+ because many Linux distributions already have it installed. We decided to write ArdisBuilder using only GTK+ 3.4 APIs, to achieve legacy-machine support without handicapping the functionality of ArdisBuilder.